Time-Domain Chroma Extraction

Marco Fink; Martin Holters; Udo Zölzer
DAFx-2012 - York
In this paper, a novel chroma extraction technique called TimeDomain Chroma Extraction (TDCE) is introduced. In comparison to many other known schemes, the calculation of a time-frequency representation is unnecessary since the TDCE is a pure sample-bysample technique. It mainly consists of a pitch tracking module that is implemented with a phase-locked loop (PLL). A set of 24 bandpass filters over two octaves is designed with the F 0 output of the pitch tracker to estimate a chroma vector. To verify the performance of the TDCE, a simple chord recognition algorithm is applied to the chroma output. The experimental results show that this novel time-domain chroma extraction technique yields good results while requiring only minor complexity and thus, enables the extraction of musical features in real-time on low-cost DSP platforms.