A Nonlinear Method for Manipulating Warmth and Brightness

Sean Enderby; Ryan Stables
DAFx-2017 - Edinburgh
In musical timbre, two of the most commonly used perceptual dimensions are warmth and brightness. In this study, we develop a model capable of accurately controlling the warmth and brightness of an audio source using a single parameter. To do this, we first identify the most salient audio features associated with the chosen descriptors by applying dimensionality reduction to a dataset of annotated timbral transformations. Here, strong positive correlations are found between the centroid of various spectral representations and the most salient principal components. From this, we build a system designed to manipulate the audio features directly using a combination of linear and nonlinear processing modules. To validate the model, we conduct a series of subjective listening tests, and show that up to 80% of participants are able to allocate the correct term, or synonyms thereof, to a set of processed audio samples. Objectively, we show low Mahalanobis distances between the processed samples and clusters of the same timbral adjective in the low-dimensional timbre space.