Download VowSynth: A Synthesizer of Vowel Sounds Based on Additive Synthesis This article presents the design and implementation of a non real-time voice synthesizer based on the analysis of a soprano voice singing the five spanish vowels. The analysis is based on the SMS technique and the synthesis uses additive synthesis.
Download Vibrato extraction and parameterization in the Spectral Modeling Synthesis framework Periodic or quasi-periodic low-frequency components (i.e. vibrato and tremolo) are present in steadystate portions of sustained instrumental sounds. If we are interested both in studying its expressive meaning, or in building a hierarchical multi-level representation of sound in order to manipulate it and transform it with musical purposes those components should be isolated and separated from the amplitude and frequency envelopes. Within the SMS analysis framework it is now feasible to extract high level time-evolving attributes starting from basic analysis data. In the case of frequency envelopes we can apply STFTs to them, then check if there is a prominent peak in the vibrato/tremolo range and, if it is true, we can smooth it away in the frequency domain; finally, we can apply an IFFT to each frame in order to re-construct an envelope that has been cleaned of those quasi-periodic low-frequency components. Two important problems nevertheless have to be tackled, and ways of overcoming them will be discussed in this paper: first, the periodicity of vibrato and tremolo, that is quite exact only when the performers are professional musicians; second: the interactions between formants and fundamental frequency trajectories, that blur the real tremolo component and difficult its analysis.
Download FX8010 - A DSP Chip Architecture for Audio Effects FX8010 is a DSP chip architecture specifically designed for time-domain 3D audio and effects processing. It is a 32-channel, 32-bit integer design that can deliver 100MIPS at a 50KHZ audio sample rate. It features powerful delay memory and I/O engines that execute in parallel with and are decoupled from microprogram execution. Its highly regular architecture supports the simultaneous execution of large numbers of separately compiled and downloaded programs with zero-overhead signal patching. A compiler for FX8010 programs generates code from C-style expressions and control-flow constructs. FX8010 has been implemented in two different ASICs for PC multimedia and professional audio applications.
Download FMOL: a graphical and net oriented approach to interactive sonic composition and real-time synthesis for low cost computer systems Faust Music On Line (FMOL), is a software project for real-time synthesis and interactive and collective music composition through the net, conceived by Sergi Jordà and developed by the former and Toni Aguilar, after a proposal by the Catalan theatre and performance group, La Fura dels Baus. This work has been sponsored by the S.G.A.E., the Spanish authors' association, and has received the first price in at the 3rd international software competition of the Institut international de Musique Electroacoustique of Bourges. Although the nature of the project deals with many different topics as can be a collective and net-oriented approach to composition, this paper will concentrate on the two aspects more related with this conference: the implementation of a complete real-time synthesis software on low cost computer systems, and the design of an intuitive graphical interface for interactive sonic composition.
Download Software Toolbox for Multichannel Sound Reproduction This paper describes a versatile software toolbox, which has been developed for researching, teaching and developing in the field of multichannel sound signal processing. The software system runs on a PC and consists on 5 modules covering the main stages and aspects of multichannel sound reproduction using loudspeakers. A number of new and efficient algorithms have been specially implemented for this software.
Download SMSPerformer: A real-time synthesis interface for SMS SmsPerformer is a graphical interface for the real-time SMS synthesis engine. The application works from analyzed sounds and it has been designed to be used both as a composition and a performance tool. The program includes programmable time-varying transformations, MIDI control for the synthesis parameters, and performance loading and saving options.
Download SMS3d: An application for the visualization of SMS data SMS3d is an application for the three-dimensional visualization of the SMS analysis of a sound, with which the user can control the viewing of the representation with specific controls. This application has been programmed with Visual C++ under Windows using the API OpenGL.
Download Sound Spatialisation Towards the end of the nineteenth century two inventions, the telephone and the phonograph, appeared which were to change the way music was dealt with. Prior to the developments they brought about, every musical performance was indivisible from its place in time and space. Their appearance meant that music could be presented remotely in both time and space from its origin. This has inevitably resulted in various forms of distortion - nonlinear, spectral, temporal, spatial, of the original. Whilst it has proved relatively easy to deal satisfactorily with the first three so that we can now present “remoted” music which is excellent in all of those three aspects, removing the distortions in the spatial presentation has proved far more intractable. Even the best systems in use today for sound “spatialisation” are relatively crude, allowing for little more than the creation of an illusion, sometimes very good, more often poor. However, despite this, the creative use of sound spatialisation is becoming more and more important, whether for serious avant-garde composers, computer game designers, in cinema, television and multimedia productions or in audio recording. It is anticipated that the demand will escalate even more with the appearance of DVD with its multiple audio channel capability. This tutorial paper briefly covers the basic directional hearing mechanisms of the human brain before examining in more detail the various different ways of dealing with sound spatialisation, starting with headphone related technologies such as binaural and transaural. Loudspeaker-based systems will then be covered, starting with conventional stereo followed by cinema style surround sound systems. Finally a true 3-d system, Ambisonics, will be examined. The advantages and limitations of all the systems, both aurally and in terms of difficulty of implementation or control, will be covered. It is hoped to give a number of demonstrations.
Download Improving Spectral Analysis Precision with an Enhanced Phase Vocoder using Signal Derivatives The purpose of this presentation is to demonstrate the practical interest of an original improvement of the classic Fourier analysis. The n-th order short-time Fourier Transform (FTn) extends the classic short-time Fourier transform by also considering the first n signal derivatives. This technique greatly improves Fourier analysis precision not only in frequency and amplitude but also in time, thus minimizing the well-known problem of the trade-off of time versus frequency. The implementation of this analysis method leads to an enhanced phase vocoder particularly wellsuited for extracting spectral parameters from the sounds.
Download Vocem: An Application for Real-Time Granular Synthesis Vocem is a graphical interface for real-time granular synthesis. It is based on and extends a previous Vocem application by E. Resina running on NeXT. But as where the previous Vocem used CSound and was, in fact, an interface to generate a CSound instrument’s score, this version of Vocem implements its own algorithms and tools.