Download A Model of Partial Tracks for Tension-Modulated Steel-String Guitar Tones
This paper introduces a spectral model for plucked, steel string tones, based on functional models for time-varying fundamental frequency and inharmonicity coefficient. Techniques to evaluate those analytical values at different time indexes are reviewed and commented. A method to evaluate the unknowns of the fundamental frequency and inharmonicity coefficient functions and match the data of a given tone is presented. Frequency tracks can thereafter be deployed and traced for all values of time. Their accuracy is discussed, and applications for the model are suggested.
Download Digital Emulation of Distortion Effects by Wave and Phase Shaping Methods
This paper will consider wave (amplitude) and phase signal shaping techniques for the digital emulation of distortion effect processing. We examine how to determine the Wave- and Phaseshaping functions with harmonic amplitude and phase data. Three distortion effects units are used to provide test data. The action of the Wave- and Phase- shaping functions derived for these effects is demonstrated with the assistance of a superresolution frequency-domain analysis technique.