Download Passive Admittance Matrix Modeling for Guitar Synthesis
In physics-based sound synthesis, it is generally possible to incorporate a mechanical or acoustical immittance (admittance or impedance) in the form of a digital filter. Examples include modeling of the termination of a string or a tube. However, when digital filters are fitted to measured immittance data, care has to be taken that the resulting filter corresponds to a passive mechanical or acoustical system, otherwise the stability of the instrument model is at risk. In previous work, we have presented a simple method for designing and realizing inherently passive scalar admittances, by composing the admittance as a linear combination of positive real (PR) functions with nonnegative weights. In this paper the method is extended to multidimensional admittances (admittance matrices). The admittance matrix is synthesized as a sum of PR scalar transfer functions (second-order filters) multiplied by positive semidefinite matrices. For wave-based modeling, such as digital waveguides (DWGs) or wave digital filters (WDFs), the admittance matrix is converted to a reflectance filter. The filter structure is retained during conversion, resulting in a numerically robust implementation. As an example, a dual-polarization guitar string model based on the DWG approach is connected to the reflectance model parameterized from guitar bridge admittance measurements.
Download Energy Based Synthesis of Tension Modulation in Membranes
Above a certain amplitude, membrane vibration becomes nonlinear due to the variation of surface tension. This leads to audible pitch glides, which greatly contribute to the characteristic timbre of tom-tom drums of the classical drum set and many other percussion instruments. Therefore, there is a strong motivation to take the tension modulation effect into account in drum synthesis. Some models do already exist that model this phenomenon, however, their computational complexity is significantly higher compared to linear membrane models. This paper applies an efficient methodology previously developed for the string to model the quasistatic part (short-time average) of the surface tension. The efficient modeling is based on the linear relationship between the quasistatic tension and membrane energy, since the energy can be computed at a relatively low computational cost. When this energy-based tension modulation is added to linear membrane models, the perceptually most relevant pitch glides are accurately synthesized, while the increase in computational complexity is negligible.