Download Low-order allpass Interpolated Delay Loops
This paper presents empirical and theoretical results for a delay line cascaded with a second-order allpass filter in a feedback loop. Though such a structure has been used for years to model stiff vibrating strings, the complete range of behavior of such a structure has not been fully described and analyzed. As shown in this paper, in addition to the desired behavior of providing a frequencydependent delay line length, other phenomena may occur, such as “beating” or “mode splitting.” Associated analysis simulation results are presented.
Download Recent CCRMA research in Digital Audio Synthesis, Processing and Effects
This extended abstract summarizes DAFx-related developments at CCRMA over the past year or so.
Download Spectral Dealy Filters with Feedback Delay Filters with Feedback and Time-Varying Coefficients
A recently introduced structure to implement a continuously smooth spectral delay, based on a cascade of first-order allpass filters and an equalizing filter, is described and the properties of this spectral delay filter are reviewed. A new amplitude envelope equalizing filter for the spectral delay filter is proposed and the properties of structures utilizing feedback and/or time-varying filter coefficients are discussed. In addition, the stability conditions for the feedback and the time-varying structures are derived. A spectral delay filter can be used for synthesizing chirp-like sounds or for modifying the timbre of arbitrary audio signals. Sound examples on the use of the spectral delay filters utilizing the structures discussed in this paper can be found at http://www.acoustics.hut. fi/publications/papers/dafx09-sdf/.
Download Pitch glide analysis and synthesis from Recorded Tones
Pitch glide is an important effect that occurs in nearly all plucked string instruments. In essence, large amplitude waves traveling on a string during the note onset increases the string tension above its nominal value, and therefore cause the pitch to temporarily increase. Measurements are presented showing an exponential relaxation of all the partial frequencies to their nominal values with a time-constant related to the decay rate of transverse waves propagating on the string. This exponential pitch trajectory is supported by a simple physical model in which the increased tension is somewhat counterbalanced by the increased length of the string. Finally, a method for synthesizing the plucked string via a novel hybrid digital waveguide-modal synthesis model is presented with implementation details for time-varying resonators.