Download A Fast Mellin Transform with Applications in DAFx
Many digital audio effects rely on transformations performed in the Fourier-transformed (frequency) domain. However, other transforms and domains exist and could be exploited. We propose to use the Mellin transform for a class of sound transformations. We present a fast implementation of the Mellin transform (more precisely a Fast Scale Transform), and we provide some examples on how it could be used in digital audio effects.
Download Computation of Nonlinear Filter Networks Containing Delay-Free Paths
A method for solving filter networks made of linear and nonlinear filters is presented. The method is valid independently of the presence of delay-free paths in the network, provided that the nonlinearities in the system respect certain (weak) hypotheses verified by a wide class of real components: in particular, that the contribution to the output due to the memory of the nonlinear blocks can be extracted from each nonlinearity separately. The method translates into a general procedure for computing the filter network, hence it can serve as a testbed for offline testing of complex audio systems and as a starting point toward further code optimizations aimed at achieving real time.