Download Error Compensation in Modeling Time-Varying Sinusoids
In this article we propose a method to improve the accuracy of sinusoid modeling by introducing parameter variation models into both the analyzer and the synthesizer. Using the least-square-error estimator as an example, we show how the sinusoidal parameters estimated under a stationary assumption relate to the real nonstationary process, and propose a way to reestimate the parameters using some parameter variation model. For the synthesizer, we interpolate the parameters using the same model, with the phase unwrapping process reformulated to adapt to the change. Results show that the method effectively cuts down the systematic error of a conventional system based on a least-square-error estimator and the McAulay-Quatieri synthesizer.
Download Notes on Model-Based Non-Sationary Sinusoid Estimation Methods Using Derivatives
This paper reviews the derivative method and explores its capacity for estimating time-varying sinusoids of complicated parameter variations. The method is reformulated on a generalized signal model. We show that under certain arrangements the estimation task becomes solving a linear system, whose coefficients can be computed from discrete samples using an integration-by-parts technique. Previous derivative and reassignment methods are shown to be special cases of this generic method. We include a discussion on the continuity criterion of window design for the derivative method. The effectiveness of the method and the window design criterion are confirmed by test results. We also show that, thanks to the generalization, off-model sinusoids can be approximated by the derivative method with a sufficiently flexible model setting.
Download On comparison of phase alignments of harmonic components
This paper provides a method for comparing phase angles of harmonic sound sources. In particular, we propose an algorithm for decomposing the difference between two sets of phases into a harmonic part, which represents the phase progress of harmonic components, and a residue part, which represents all causes of deviations from perfect harmonicity. This decomposition allows us to compare phase alignments regardless of an arbitrary time shift, and handle harmonic and noise/inharmonic parts of the phase angle separately to improve existing algorithms that handles harmonic sound sources using phase measurements. These benefits are demonstrated with a new phase-based pitch marking algorithm and an improved time-scale and pitch modification scheme using traditional harmonic sinusoidal modelling.