Download Sound Modeling from the Analysis of Real Sounds
This work addresses sound modeling using a combination of physical and signal models with a particular emphasis on the flute sound. For that purpose, analysis methods adapted to the nonstationary nature of sounds are developed. Further on parameters characterizing the sound from a perceptive and a physical point of view are extracted. The synthesis process is then designed to reproduce a perceptive effect and to simulate the physical behavior of the sound generating system. The correspondence between analysis and synthesis parameters is crucial and can be achieved using both mathematical and perceptive criteria. Real-time control of such models makes it possible to use specially designed interfaces mirroring already existing sound generators like traditional musical instruments.
Download Consistency of Timbre Patterns in Expressive Music Performance
Musical interpretation is an intricate process due to the interaction of the musician’s gesture and the physical possibilities of the instrument. From a perceptual point of view, these elements induce variations in rhythm, acoustical energy and timbre. This study aims at showing the importance of timbre variations as an important attribute of musical interpretation. For this purpose, a general protocol aiming at emphasizing specific timbre patterns from the analysis of recorded musical sequences is proposed. An example of the results obtained by analyzing clarinet sequences is presented, showing stable timbre variations and their correlations with both rhythm and energy deviations.
Download Navigating in a Space of Synthesized Interaction-Sounds: Rubbing, Scratching and Rolling Sounds
In this paper, we investigate a control strategy of synthesized interaction-sounds. The framework of our research is based on the action/object paradigm that considers that sounds result from an action on an object. This paradigm presumes that there exists some sound invariants, i.e. perceptually relevant signal morphologies that carry information about the action or the object. Some of these auditory cues are considered for rubbing, scratching and rolling interactions. A generic sound synthesis model, allowing the production of these three types of interaction together with a control strategy of this model are detailed. The proposed control strategy allows the users to navigate continuously in an ”action space”, and to morph between interactions, e.g. from rubbing to rolling.
Download Controlling a Non Linear Friction Model for Evocative Sound Synthesis Applications
In this paper, a flexible strategy to control a synthesis model of sounds produced by non linear friction phenomena is proposed for guidance or musical purposes. It enables to synthesize different types of sounds, such a creaky door, a singing glass or a squeaking wet plate. This approach is based on the action/object paradigm that enables to propose a synthesis strategy using classical linear filtering techniques (source/resonance approach) which provide an efficient implementation. Within this paradigm, a sound can be considered as the result of an action (e.g. impacting, rubbing, ...) on an object (plate, bowl, ...). However, in the case of non linear friction phenomena, simulating the physical coupling between the action and the object with a completely decoupled source/resonance model is a real and relevant challenge. To meet this challenge, we propose to use a synthesis model of the source that is tuned on recorded sounds according to physical and spectral observations. This model enables to synthesize many types of non linear behaviors. A control strategy of the model is then proposed by defining a flexible physically informed mapping between a descriptor, and the non linear synthesis behavior. Finally, potential applications to the remediation of motor diseases are presented. In all sections, video and audio materials are available at the following URL: thoretDAFx2013/