Download Spring Reverberation: A Physical Perspective
Spring-based artificial reverberation was one of the earliest attempts at compact replication of room-like reverberation for studio use. The popularity and unique sound of this effect have given it a status and desirability apart from its original use. Standard methods for modeling analog audio effects are not well suited to modeling spring reverberation, due to the complex and dispersive nature of its mechanical vibration. Therefore, new methods must be examined. A typical impulse responses of a spring used for reverberation is examined, and important perceptual parameters identified. Mathematical models of spring vibration are considered, with the purpose of drawing conclusions relevant to their application in an audio environment. These models are used to produce new results relevant to the design of digital systems for the emulation of spring reverberation units. The numerical solution of these models via the finite difference method is considered. A set of measurements of two typical spring reverberation units are presented.
Download Modeling Methods for the Highly Dispersive Slinky Spring: A Novel Musical Toy
The ’Slinky’ spring is a popular and beloved toy for many children. Like its smaller relatives, used in spring reverberation units, it can produce interesting sonic behaviors. We explore the behavior of the ’Slinky’ spring via measurement, and discover that its sonic characteristics are notably different to those of smaller springs. We discuss methods of modeling the behavior of a Slinky via the use of finite-difference techniques and digital waveguides. We then apply these models in different structures to build a number of interesting tools for computer-based music production.