Download Computation of Nonlinear Filter Networks Containing Delay-Free Paths
A method for solving filter networks made of linear and nonlinear filters is presented. The method is valid independently of the presence of delay-free paths in the network, provided that the nonlinearities in the system respect certain (weak) hypotheses verified by a wide class of real components: in particular, that the contribution to the output due to the memory of the nonlinear blocks can be extracted from each nonlinearity separately. The method translates into a general procedure for computing the filter network, hence it can serve as a testbed for offline testing of complex audio systems and as a starting point toward further code optimizations aimed at achieving real time.
Download Exact Discrete-Time Realization of a Dolby B Encoding/Decoding Architecture
An algebraic technique which computes nonlinear, delay-free digital filter networks is applied to model the Dolby B in the discretetime. The model preserves the topology of the analog system, and imports the characteristics of the nonlinear processing blocks which are responsible of the peculiar functioning of Dolby B. The resulting numerical system exhibits qualitatively similar dynamic behavior and performance – full compliance with the Dolby B specifications would be achieved by deriving, from comprehensive data sheets of the system, accurate discrete-time models of the analog processing blocks. Results demonstrate that the computation converges if proper iterative methods are employed.
Download BIVIB: A Multimodal Piano Sample Library Of Binaural Sounds And Keyboard Vibrations
An extensive piano sample library consisting of binaural sounds and keyboard vibration signals is made available through an openaccess data repository. Samples were acquired with high-quality audio and vibration measurement equipment on two Yamaha Disklavier pianos (one grand and one upright model) by means of computer-controlled playback of each key at ten different MIDI velocity values. The nominal specifications of the equipment used in the acquisition chain are reported in a companion document, allowing researchers to calculate physical quantities (e.g., acoustic pressure, vibration acceleration) from the recordings. Also, project files are provided for straightforward playback in a free software sampler available for Windows and Mac OS systems. The library is especially suited for acoustic and vibration research on the piano, as well as for research on multimodal interaction with musical instruments.