Enhanced Time-Stretching Using Order-2 Sinusoidal Modeling

Sylvain Marchand; Martin Raspaud
DAFx-2004 - Naples
In this article, we introduce a 2-level sinusoidal model and demon­ strate its aptitude for a challenging digital audio effect: time-stretching without audible artifacts. More precisely, sinusoidal modeling is used at the two levels of the new sound model. We consider the frequency and amplitude parameters of the partials of the classic sinusoidal model as (control) signals, that we propose to model again using a sinusoidal model. This way, higher-level musical structures such as the vibrato and tremolo in the original sound are captured in the “partials of partials” of this order-2 sinusoidal model. We propose then a new time-stretching method, based on this new hierarchical model, which preserves not only the pitch of the original sound, but also its natural vibrato and tremolo.