Download Investigation of a Drum Controlled Cross-adaptive Audio Effect for Live Performance
Electronic music often uses dynamic and synchronized digital audio effects that cannot easily be recreated in live performances. Cross-adaptive effects provide a simple solution to such problems since they can use multiple feature inputs to control dynamic variables in real time. We propose a generic scheme for cross-adaptive effects where onset detection on a drum track dynamically triggers effects on other tracks. This allows a percussionist to orchestrate effects across multiple instruments during performance. We describe the general structure that includes an onset detection and feature extraction algorithm, envelope and LFO synchronization, and an interface that enables the user to associate different effects to be triggered depending on the cue from the percussionist. Subjective evaluation is performed based on use in live performance. Implications on music composition and performance are also discussed. Keywords: Cross-adaptive digital audio effects, live processing, real-time control, Csound.
Download Live Convolution with Time-variant Impulse Response
This paper describes a method for doing convolution of two live signals, without the need to load a time-invariant impulse response (IR) prior to the convolution process. The method is based on stepwise replacement of the IR in a continuously running convolution process. It was developed in the context of creative live electronic music performance, but can be applied to more traditional use cases for convolution as well. The process allows parametrization of the convolution parameters, by way of real-time transformations of the IR, and as such can be used to build parametric convolution effects for audio mixing and spatialization as well.