Download Streaming Frequency-Domain DAFx in Csound 5
This article discusses the implementation of frequency domain digital audio effects using the Csound 5 music programming language, with its streaming frequency-domain signal (fsig) framework. Introduced to Csound 4.13, by Richard Dobson, it was further extended by Victor Lazzarini in version 5. The latest release of Csound incorporates a variety of new opcodes for different types of spectral manipulations. This article introduces the fsig framework and the analysis and resynthesis unit generators. It describes in detail the different types of spectral DAFx made possible by these new opcodes.
Download Cecilia and TclCsound
This article discusses some developments relating to environments for Csound programming, composition and performance. It introduces the Csound 5 API and discusses its use in the development of a TclTk scripting interface, TclCsound. The three components of TclCsound are presented and discussed. A number of applications, from simple transport control of Csound to client-server networking are explained in some detail. The new multi-platform version of CECILIA is presented. Cecilia is the first Csound frontend to use the functionalities of TclCsound.