Download Spatial Impulse Response Rendering
Spatial Impulse Response Rendering (SIRR) is a recent technique for reproduction of room acoustics with a multichannel loudspeaker system. SIRR analyzes the direction of arrival and diffuseness of measured room responses within frequency bands. Based the analysis data, a multichannel response suitable for reproduction with any chosen surround loudspeaker setup is synthesized. When loaded to a convolving reverberator, the synthesized responses create a very natural perception of space corresponding to the measured room. In this paper, the SIRR method is described and listening test results are reviewed. The sound intensity based analysis is refined, and improvements for the synthesis of diffuse timefrequency components are discussed.
Download Musical Computer Games Played by Singing
Although voice has been used as an input modality in various user interfaces, there are no reports of using pitch of the user’s voice for real-time control of computer games. This paper explores pitch-based control for novel games for musical education. Mapping pitch to the position of a game character provides visual feedback that helps you to learn to control your voice and sing in tune. As demonstrated by two example games in this paper, the approach can be applied to both single and two-player games even with just one microphone.