Download Toward A New Model For Sound Control
The control of sound synthesis is a well-known problem. This is particularly true if the sounds are generated with physical modeling techniques that typically need specification of numerous control parameters. In the present work outcomes from studies on automatic music performance are used for tackling this problem.
Download Is The Player More Influenced By The Auditory Than The Tactile Feedback From The Instrument?
What sensory feedback, tactile or auditory, is the more important for a musician when playing? In an attempt to answer this question, subjects were asked to play along with a metronome while the auditory feedback from their playing was manipulated. The preliminary results showed a tendency for matching sound with sound, i.e. players initiated strokes earlier as the delay increased. Increase in timing errors indicate a possible breakpoint around 55 ms. As the feedback was delayed even more subjects showed increased difficulties in maintaining a steady rhythm.